CNHA Partnerships
CNHA partners with the National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, and US Forest Service to help with endeavors other than retail sales.
CNHA supports these partnerships in many different ways, and may include receiving funds from federal, state, and local agencies, as well as individual donations. CNHA pays the expenses incurred by such partnerships, and each is accounted for separately. These costs may include supplies, events, and administrative costs.
Our current partnerships are:
Sand Flats Recreation Area
Partnership between the Bureau of Land Management Moab Field Office and Grand County, Utah has, through a cooperative management agreement, been in place since 1994. This partnership aspires to protect outstanding natural features of the Sand Flats area from the adverse impacts of recreational use, provide sustainable recreation opportunities in the area, maintain public access, and involve the public and others interested in the management of the Sand Flats area. The BLM and Grand County co-manage the area with Grand County providing day-to-day operational management, while the BLM provides resource management, and engineering and planning support. A steering committee, with representatives from BLM, Grand County, user groups, and outfitter businesses provides direction to Grand County regarding their responsibilities at Sand Flats.
Canyon Country Partnership
In southeastern Utah, members of the Canyon Country Partnership (CCP) are working together to coordinate land use planning and management activities where agency boundaries meet or overlap. The Partnership also seeks compatibility with community development goals to provide for social and economic needs without causing undue harm to the integrity of natural systems.
Justin Holland Memorial Fund
Partnerships between the US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and the Family of Justin Holland provide an annual gift of a pair of custom made Whites Boots to a Wildland Firefighter deemed Firefighter of the Year. Justin was a Wildland firefighter at the time of his death, and his nickname was Boots. His love for the outdoors and the support of his firefighting crew made it the wish of his family to create this fund to honor other firefighters and support his firefighting family. This person is voted in by a combined committee of US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management inter-agency management. This partnership also coordinates an annual event to bring firefighters, the Holland family, and agency personnel together for a fundraising and awareness event.
River Trip with the Bureau Of Land Management, OARS, and the Moab Valley Multicultural Center
In 2022 and 2023, Canyonlands Natural History Association joined the partnership between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), OARS, and the Moab Valley Multicultural Center (MVMC) on a one day river trip on the Colorado River. The aim of the trip is to get local Moab residents on the river to experience their public lands and the myriad of opportunities for recreation, as well as job and career options within the community. CNHA produced videos both years, documenting the fun!
Public Land News
September 2024 CNHA Newsletter
Bureau of Land Management Artist in Residence Announcement Spring 2024 Artist in Residence National Park Service Call for 2025 Community Artist in the Parks Applications US Forest Service Updates KZMU Interview with Sam Wainer, CNHA Executive Director